Saturday, October 25, 2014

B is for Butterfly

B is a boisterous letter. It bounces, bobs, and of course is very beautiful. The kids watched the letter B song from ABC Mouse, twice. The kids practiced writing the letter B/b on a paper plate filled with some rice.

We had a special visitor come to preschool on Tuesday. A real butterfly! It died after waiting a week in the butterfly cage, still each child got to touch it's velvet wings, look closely at the curly tongue, and see the fur on it's belly. I read a special book on the Butterfly cycle. The kids made a craft showing the butterfly cycle. The glue was awesome to play with.

The weather was perfectly warm, with a bright sun and no wind. Seven butterfly snacks met the kids in the side yard. We made some fun letter B window suncatchers with contact paper and squares of tissue paper. The most exciting part was donning tissue wings and running around like wild butterflies.

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