This week we learned a funny word - hygiene. (It was fun to say!)
We helped the Lamb Chop puppet get ready for a bath. The kids all knew Lamb Chop needed soap and not a shoe in the bathtub. There were lots of giggles and lots of hugs for the puppet.
Snack time was serious work. The kids practiced making the letter V with pretzels and cheese sticks. It was fun to make them big and little.
It was really fun to make the letter V disappear!
We used glitter to see what happens to germs on our hands. The boys started with glitter on their hands but after a few hand shakes everyone had glitter. Wiping our hands on our clothes didn't get all the glitter off. We learned that hands need to be washed many times during the day and it takes bubbles (soap) to get them really clean.
The kids traced their hands on white paper then cut them out.
We blew bubbles with straws and tried to color the paper hands with just the dyed bubbles.
It was hard not to put the paper all the way into the water and it was most fun to BLOW BUBBLES.
We also practiced writing the letter V on our chalkboards.