Saturday, March 3, 2012

I Scream for Ice Cream


Wednesday we had preschool at Amelia's home. We learned about the long "I", like igloo, then the short sound, like ice. It was challenging to think of more words that begin with "I", sometimes "I" sounds like the letter "E". We read a book about how ice cream is made, starting at a dairy farm in Wisconson with the cows.

The kids practiced drawing the letter I/i on white paper with wax crayons on white paper. The letters drawn showed up miraculously as they painted over the wax with water colors.

We conducted a fun science experiment using instant snow. Each child got to make some snow with a small teaspoon of snow powder and 1/4 cup of water. The powder exploded into a full cup of cold snow! They had a blast playing with the frosty plastic snow. Bryn had the biggest smile on her face! We enjoyed seeing it come out and staying for a long while.

The kids made their own snack. Amelia chose to make strawberry ice cream. We put the ingredients into an ice cream ball and played with the ball until the ice cream was ready for eating. I was super surprised that only Bryn ate her ice cream. The rest declared that the ice cream was yucky. Bummer! Next time we are going for plain ole vanilla.


Triple J said...
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Missa said...

Love the instant snow! Where did you get it? I want to send some to my niece in Hawaii for Christmas.

meagan said...

The ice cream making looks so fun, I can't believe it turned out yucky!