Saturday, February 4, 2012

G is for Groundhog

Miss Stella returned to preschool Wednesday with a clean bill of health. She was very excited to sit in between Zane and Will. They were not so excited with her octopus hands! LOL. I got a good chuckle watching her try to flirt with the boys. Miss Ella visited us for preschool too. We really missed her. She stood up first thing and said she had an announcement: Who missed me? Course everyone said they missed her, except Stella who said only her brain missed Ella. We read a cute book about a restless groundhog who kept waking up instead of hibernating. He predicted more winter because he was so tired. The kids enjoyed a 4 minute movie on woodchucks, aka groundhogs, aka whistle pigs. The kids each took a turn predicting more winter or spring if they saw a shadow when crawling out from under a chair.

For the craft we made cute little groundhogs out of cups, paper, stickers, sticks, and felt. Then we played tie up the groundhog. Just kidding. We ate some groundhogs for snack. They were sort of yucky. No really, the kids loved the cookie and pudding! They did not like the coconut grass. Fun times!!!

1 comment:

meagan said...

This is the cutest groundhog day ever, great job Jenni! All I can say is that being around Stella is a great opportunity for the boys to practice their self-defense skills :)