Monday, April 16, 2012

Bryn says the Pledge of Allegiance

I know it's not the normal format for our blog posts and we can delete it later, but I just wanted to share this video with everyone. Bryn is quite strong-willed, but is going to start trying to do things even though she doesn't want to do them so she can get ready for kindergarten. We had quite the discussion about kindergarten today and I finally got her to say the whole Pledge of Allegiance. She really only needed one help because she has been learning as she listened to all the other kids say it for two years now. It took more pushing to get her to say it on camera, but she finally did it! Thanks everyone for teaching her!


The Haley Family said...

AH! YEAH Bryn! So proud of you!!!

Unknown said...

I love it! I knew she could! She is such an amazing little girl.

Jenni Call said...

Hooray! I knew she could do it!