Monday, March 26, 2012

Get your move on!

This week we are working on the letter "T" and learning about Transportation. First we learned that transportation means moving people or things from one place to another. Then we talked about all the different kinds of transportation there are- on land, in the air (all the way into space), on water, and even under water. The kids came up with so many types on their own, including horses, elephants and camels! They realized that most of the modes of transportation on land use wheels to move (except the animals!). Next we ate sailboat apples and worked on making Transportation Bingo cards. As moms started to arrive we pretended to be some kind of transportation. We had a helicopter, horses, a camel, an airplane, cars and an elephant I think.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So much fun! Zane just told me he was being a squirrel. I guess they are good at transporting nuts. I love their imaginations!