Friday, October 21, 2011

Mm, Monkeys, & Brown

We had a great week in preschool! Class was held at Amelia's home. We learned about the letter M, what sound it makes, words that start with M, and how to write big and little Mm. The kids did a fun worksheet where they had to draw two pictures of things that start with M. Stella's mom and her new sister stayed to help us out. Monday was a little crazy! Must be those weekend jitters still hanging around.

We read 5 Little Monkeys Play Hide-and-Seek. It is a fun book about 5 silly monkeys who try to get out of bedtime by playing with their babysitter. Then we pulled out the mini-trampoline and acted out the 5 little preschoolers jumping off the bed and onto the floor. That was great fun!

Our craft was glueing marshmellows and macaroni onto a large M. Will's M art was marvelous! The kids enjoyed getting some wiggles out when we marched to music as monkeys, machines, monsters, etc.). Snack was a monkey's favorite snack: Bananas. The kids dipped their bananas in caramel or chocolate sauce.

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