Friday, September 9, 2011

Show and Tell

Today the kids came prepared with 2-5 objects to share with their friends. The kids also wore their favorite color(s). We shared our show and tell items in order from oldest to youngest. My personal favorites were: Stella's dinosaur (it tried to eat her leg), Lily's library card, Will's escapee bug, Zane's room map, Amelia's curtsey, Ella's bunny, and the big grin on Bryn's face. While outside we could hear a rotary saw working on a roof. Stella asked if the sound was an Orca. That kid cracks me up!! Will was very disappointed we did not use watercolors today. Maybe next time, buddy. Zane told me later that the dots on his room map are fly poop.

We reviewed the letter F, practiced writing it, practiced the sound, and used words starting with "f". The kids fished for their name and then the name of other classmates to work on name identification. They did pretty well!! Our snack today was chocolate FONDUE and FISH crackers. The kids were covered in chocolate syrup and banana slices. Good thing we ate outside.
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1 comment:

The Haley Family said...

love the show and tell idea!! Cute pictures!