Monday, September 19, 2011

Buggy for Letter B

This week our focus is on the letter B and our theme is Bugs & Insects. Today, we started with the song "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and then practiced making the B sound. Then the kids searched for big and little B's amongst several other letters and colored the B's blue. We practiced writing B's and then we painted B's with watercolors. The kids thought it was great that the B's have bumps.

We talked about some different kinds of bugs and looked at a really big moth that was caught outside our home this weekend. Then we focused on ants, a bug the kids know well. The kids pretended to be ants and carried away all of my picnic food. It takes a lot of coordination to carry play food on your back while crawling like an ant.

Another bug we all love is the lady bug. We talked about how lady bugs eat the bad bugs. The kids drew lady bug habitats for their lady bug stickers. I was impressed with how creative they were. There was pink grass, flowers of all colors, tall trees, and even a hammock. Those lady bugs are living in style!

1 comment:

Jenni Call said...

Amelia loved the lesson! Thanks!!!